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AS LNK Industries Eesti filiaal (12632455)
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A deletion notice concerning a legal person is published in the Ametlikud Teadaanded (Official Announcements).
General information
Registry code
Legal form
Branch of a foreign company
Entered into the register
Capital is 504 200 LVL
Period of the financial year
01.01 - 31.12
Articles of association amended
Receipt of e-invoices
The legal person does not accept e-invoices.
Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Luha tn 34, 10131 Open map
E-mail address
E-mail address
+371 67334382
Other mean of communication
menetlusteated: [email protected]
Other mean of communication
menetlusteated: [email protected]
+371 67334012
Internet address (www)
Tax information
Articles of association
Effective date Valid until Date of approval Status
20.03.2014 - 24.08.2012 Valid
VAT number
VAT period
15.05.2014 – ..
VAT number VAT starting date End date Registration date of the end of obligation
EE101718136 15.05.2014
Right of representation
Name Personal identification code Role Start - end
Jevgenijs Locovs
Director of branch 20.03.2014
Every director of the branch may represent the branch in concluding all transactions.
Special conditions of the right of representation
Beginning - End
Artjoms Milovs volituste tekkimise aeg on 01.02.2013. a ning volitused kehtivad tähtajatult, Jevgenijs Locovs volituste tekkimise aeg on 01.02.2013. a ning volitused kehtivad tähtajatult. 20.03.2014
No current special conditions of the right of representation
Activity licenses and notices of economic activities
Official Announcements
Type Start of publication
Data of the foreign company
Name of foreign company
AS LNK Industries
Location of the foreign company
Sporta iela 7 k-1, Riia, LV-1013, Latvia
Legal form of a foreign company
Public limited company
Beginning-end of the financial year of a foreign company
01.01 - 31.12
The country under whose law the foreign company operates
The company operates under Läti laws
Register of foreign company
Company is registered in Läti Vabariigi Ettevõteteregistris
Registry code of the foreign company
Publication of the annual report of a foreign company
A foreign company does not have to publish the annual report
Areas of activity
Area of activity EMTAK Type
Constructional engineering-technical designing and consulting 71121 Principal activity
Area of activity
(EMTAK 2008)
71 - Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
711 - Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
7112 - Engineering activities and related technical consultancy
71121 - Constructional engineering-technical designing and consulting
NACE code 71.12
Source Electronic submission (17.03.2014)
Immovable property
Address Register part
Beneficial owners

The legal person is not required to provide data of the beneficial owners.